Welcome to ADAPT SMART … enabling platform for the coordination of Medicines Adaptive Pathways to Patients (MAPPs) activities. MAPPs seeks to foster access to beneficial treatments for the right patient groups at the earliest appropriate time in the product life-span in a sustainable fashion.
ADAPT SMART will support IMI2 projects investigating MAPPs tools and methodologies, and engage in a dialogue with all relevant stakeholders to prove and develop workable MAPPs concepts. The ADAPT SMART consortium aims to facilitate and accelerate the availability of MAPPs to all healthcare stakeholders. It will:
Distribute findings, key discoveries and case studies from ongoing or completed MAPPs pilot projects, creating a MAPPs repository of knowledge and opportunities
Identify the scientific challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of MAPPs and foster the aligned understanding of consortium members and their constituents
Support new IMI2 research and innovation actions by facilitating the inclusion of MAPPs enablers, tools and methodologies to address its challenges and opportunities
Conduct horizon scanning and research on key topics to produce actionable advice and recommendations for IMI and other stakeholders to further the broad implementation and adoption of MAPPs
Webinar: ADAPT SMART “Putting Stakeholders at the Centre”
19th April 2017, 14-15h CET
The first public webinar of ADAPT SMART will highlight how consortia members are collaborating with key stakeholder groups to incorporate their feedback into the project's deliverables during the calendar year of 2017.
ADAPT SMART General Assembly – 18 January 2017
18th January 2017
London, United Kingdom
On the 18th of Janaury, ADAPT SMART hosted it’s Annual Meetings and General Assembly at the EMA in London.