Calendar of Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Coming soon

Calendar of Past Speaking Engagements


Type of activity


Reach (est.)

1 November 2016, Vienna, Austria Issue panel at ISPOR conference Industry, scientific community 300
20 September 2016, Barcelona, Spain Session at EUPATI meeting Industry, scientific community, policy makers and patients’ organisations 100
7 June 2016, The Netherlands Dutch Regulatory Science Network: Adapt Smart objectives and program, Presentation Scientific community and policy makers 75
1-2 June 2016, London, UK Participation in activities organised jointly with other H2020 project: joint workshop with IMI GetReal at EMA policy makers, civil society, scientific community 40
6-8 April 2016, Hamburg, Germany Session at 2016 EuroDIA conference “APs and patient access-pushing payer boundaries or facilitating new payment models?” Industry, scientific community, policy makers and patients’ organisations 100
29-30 January 2016, Berlin, Germany Presentation at Workshop 4 “Adaptive Approaches” of the 4th Pharmaceutical Medicine symposium Industry, Scientific community and policy makers 100
29 November 2015, Paris, France Session at French Pharmacovigilance Day Industry,  scientific community and policy makers 100
3-5 October 2015, Ede, The Netherlands Dutch Medicines Days: Adapt Smart objectives and program, Presentation Scientific community 100