Adaptive Design Laboratory Workshop

1st-2nd June 2016

London, United Kingdom

In June 2016 ADAPT SMART together with MIT NewDigs and GetReal organised a 2-day workshop on the use of real world evidence in decision making and the use of scenarios to explore stakeholder-specific benefit, risk, and uncertainty trade-off decisions and associated impacts throughout the lifespan of the medicinal product.

ADAPT SMART Workshop: Selection Criteria for MAPPs – Exploring and aligning stakeholder needs

29th February 2016

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

On the 29th of February, ADAPT SMART will be hosting an invitation-only multi-stakeholder workshop around selection criteria for MAPPs in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. MAPPs seek to foster access to beneficial treatments for the right patient groups at the earliest appropriate time in the product life span in a sustainable and affordable fashion.

ADAPT SMART Launch Event at EMA

4th September 2015

European Medicines Agency, London, UK

On the 4th of September, the Consortium participants of the ADAPT SMART project met at the EMA in London. This meeting officially launched the ADAPT SMART collaboration. The ADAPT SMART consortium aims to facilitate and accelerate the availability of MAPPs to all healthcare stakeholders. A full event report with details of the 4th September event is available on the ADAPT SMART website.