Webinar: ADAPT SMART “Putting Stakeholders at the Centre”

19th April 2017, 14-15h CET

The first public webinar of ADAPT SMART will highlight how consortia members are collaborating with key stakeholder groups to incorporate their feedback into the project's deliverables during the calendar year of 2017.

ADAPT SMART General Assembly – 18 January 2017

18th January 2017

London, United Kingdom

On the 18th of Janaury, ADAPT SMART hosted it’s Annual Meetings and General Assembly at the EMA in London.

EMA hosts a Workshop on Adaptive Pathways

8th December 2016

London, United Kingdom

On the 8th of December 2016, the European Medicines Agency has organised a workshop in collaboration with the European Commission to gather the views and proposals from stakeholders on the adaptive pathways approach.

ADAPT SMART Workshop: “Seamless pathway and the impact on decision making: Exploring and aligning stakeholder needs”

6th July 2016

London, United Kingdom

On the 6th of July 2016 ADAPT SMART organised a one day workshops entitled "The Seamless pathway and the impact on decision making: Exploring and aligning stakeholder needs”. More than 30 representatives including; European regulators, Health Technology Assessment (HTA) bodies, the pharmaceutical industry, patient organizations, health care professionals and academics attended the workshop.

ADAPT SMART Workshop: “Managed entry in the context of adaptive pathways”

5th July 2016

London, United Kingdom

On the 5th of July 2016 ADAPT SMART organised a one day workshops entitled "Managed entry in the context of adaptive pathways.” The workshop was held in London and around 30 attendees represented key European stakeholder groups: health technology assessment (HTA) bodies, payer organisations, or manufacturers.