Podcast: Views from André Broekmans and Luk Maes, Work Package 2 Leads

In December 2015, ADAPT SMART work package leads André Broekmans and Luk Maes met to discuss the ambitious objectives of ADAPT SMART, the impact of the diverse participants involved in the project, and what sets this initiative apart from other programmes focussed on MAPPs.


“The good thing is that in the (ADAPT SMART) Navigator Group,  all stakeholders are represented, from the patient representatives to HTA people. We even have, although they are not formally part of ADAPT SMART, the payers around the table.” – André Broekmans, on the diversity of involvement evident in ADAPT SMART.

“MAPPs covers a lot of aspects. It has to do with targeting the right patients, getting the product as soon as possible to that targeted population, making sure that it adheres to this targeted population, and making sure this is all done in a sustainable and affordable fashion.” – André Broekmans, on defining MAPPs.


LukMaes-1“From the industry standpoint, the objective is clear… If we can get out of ADAPT SMART, a set of recommendations for the European Commission and other decision makers on what the next steps for MAPPs are in the European Union…” – Luk Maes, when asked about the goals of ADAPT SMART from an industry standpoint.

“Real world data is a big word – what data do you mean, how are they collected, how are they analysed, by whom? … A lot of this is going to be about registries.” – Luk Maes, on the magnitude of work going on around real world data, the complexities of defining terminology, and what to expect in the future.

Listen to the full podcast here:
